EcoStewardship: EarthDay 50 yr Anniversary EcoClub Service Day
To celebrate the 50 year anniversary of EarthDay, the Rotary EcoClub hosted a service day that also respected the social distancing expectations that have been in effect since late March. Members and guests and anyone who wanted to participate took some time out on the Saturday prior to EarthDay and chose an earth-friendly activity to complete on their own. We then gathered via Zoom for a happy hour to socialize and share what we had done.
Several EcoClub members chose to complete a trash pick up and catalog their clean up efforts using the Clean Swell App. The app is easy to use and free to down load. If your group name includes "rotary" (our group name is Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub) the numbers are reported to the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG). Our group recorded 1200 items with an estimated weight of 97lbs. Other members chose to complete different earth-friendly actions. Kris M completed storm drain clean up - 4 bags! and another member removed invasive buckthorn. The South Metro Networking Rotaract Group also participated in the trash pick up!